Thursday, 31 January 2013

First Look at Lauren Conrad's Kohl’s Spring Collection

Lauren Conrad has just revealed the first look for her Kohl's Spring Collection 'LC Lauren Conrad' - which will be available in February and March. Lauren has designed all herself which makes it even better, it will appeal to a wide range of girls because it isn't too girly, it's a big mixture of designs and each can be worn for different occasions whether it's special or just a normal night out with the ladies. I  have to say that I am in love with the rose printed jeans, but I just love the detail that she has put in for everything. I don't think it's available in Europe though - sorry! All we can do is keep requesting on twitter, facebook and Lauren's official website that she brings her collections over here.


  1. those outfits are amazing!

  2. I like girly clothes, but these are cute too.

    How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!

