Monday, 11 August 2014

Hi Hi HELLO - I am back! Update tiiime

Hi everyone,

First of all I want to apologize for not posting on here for ages, a whole 2 months and I am just going to be really honest as to why that is, Have you been on a nice long holiday you may ask? No..sadly not! I wish I was though, but I guess the real reason for this is because I really lost touch like I said in my previous post for my blog. I was just managing without it even though it has always been there at the back of my mind - ALWAYS..haha, I just want to say I am not a professional writer so my grammar etc. will be different to other bloggers you may come across, that does not mean I will write in slang or something I just like having a little 'haha' or something when I am writing.

I started to over think what I was putting on my blog and if it was really good enough, I wanted to try new things like lifestyle and health posts which I will slowly get back into very soon just give me time guys..I got bored of what I was writing and when I started this blog I loved it so I didn't want to just write any odd thing down and I felt like I wasn't writing enough in some ways. Pictures are pretty but I feel words sometimes are more important to me so I will also be taking that into consideration now for myself. I just felt so stressed with finishing my first year of Uni that I kept thinking "I don't know what to do next?" because I was enjoying it but at the same really wasn't which is a strange feeling I know but it's the truth. I just don't think it's the right thing for me or if it's just the courses/Uni I am at so it has been really hard for me lately.

I really miss my college courses I done 2 years previously and during that time I was always on my blog because I always had motivation for it so I really want that back and that is why I am thinking of re-applying back and getting a HND soon and treat it as still important but like a GAP year, which I know can sound crazy but college is obviously more laid back even though still such a big deal. I would enjoy it better I think and all I can do is try my best and see where it takes my head in terms of thinking "What is it that I really want to do?" because at 20 years old, I truthfully have no idea and spend most of my time with my head stuck in a book or watching TV shows like most people my age.

I am thankful for people that read my blog because it was something and still IS something I am so passionate about but I am just going to take it slow and mix and match things up for a while so it isn't always the same thing, maybe there will be some dull days but we all have them and we all have those days were we just don't know how to motivate ourselves into life and it is such an emotional struggle for me. I am going to write more posts like long 'essay' ones with no pictures like this and also do fashion, lifestyle, health, favourites etc because I just want to reinvent my blog into something that is going to motivate me into start posting again.

I actually gained some new followers while I have been gone which is crazy but Hi, Hello..please stay as I promise I have much more to say and express to my readers.

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